전체 1632

영어고전388 조너선 스위프트 산문집Ⅵ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 146 71 0 0 2022-01-15
In 1714 Swift left England for Ireland, disappointed, distressed, and worn out with anxiety in the service of the Harley Ministry. On his installation as Dean of St. Patrick's he had been received in Dublin with jeering and derision. He had even been mocked at in his walks abroad. In 1720, however, he entered for the second time the field of active political polemics, and began..

영어고전389 조너선 스위프트 산문집Ⅶ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 122 94 0 0 2022-01-15
Swift took up his permanent residence in the Irish capital in 1714. The Harley Administration had fallen never to rise again. Harley himself was a prisoner in the Tower, and Bolingbroke a voluntary exile in France, and an open adherent of the Pretender. Swift came to Dublin to be met by the jeers of the populace, the suspicion of the government officials, and the polite indiffe..

영어고전390 조너선 스위프트 산문집Ⅸ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 153 103 0 0 2022-01-15
Swift has been styled the Prince of Journalists. Like most titles whose aim is to express in modern words the character and achievements of a man of a past age, this phrase is not of the happiest. Applied to so extraordinary a man as Jonathan Swift, it is both misleading and inadequate. At best it embodies but a half-truth. It belongs to that class of phrases which, in emphasiz..

영어고전391 조너선 스위프트 산문집Ⅹ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 140 59 0 0 2022-01-15
Of late years, that is to say, within the last thirty odd years, there has existed a certain amount of doubt as to whether or no the work known to us as "The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen," was really the product of Swift's pen. That a work of this nature had occupied Swift during his retirement at Windsor in 1713, is undoubted. That the work here reprinted from t..

영어고전392 프란츠 카프카의 심판

프란츠 카프카(Franz Kafka) | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 146 49 0 0 2022-01-15
카프카의 3대 장편소설 주인공 K는 누구?! : 카프카는 미완이지만, 3편의 장편소설 – 성(城, Das Schloss, The Castle)(1926), 소송·심판(Der Prozess, The Trial)(1927) 그리고 실종자(Der Verschollene, The Man Who Disappeared)(1927)를 집필하였습니다. 그런데, 세 작품에는 묘한 공통점이 있습니다. 성(城, Das Schloss, The Castle)(1926)의 주인공 K, 소송·심판(Der Prozess, The Trial)(1927)의 주인공 K, 실종자(Der Verschollene, The Man Who Disappeared)(1927)의 주인공 카알 로스만(Karl Roßman..

영어고전329 프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드의 낙원의 이편

프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드(F. Sco | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 153 47 0 0 2021-12-31
낙원의 이편(This Side of Paradise)(1920) : 피츠제럴드는 군복무에 이어 배런 콜리어 광고 대행사(the Barron Collier advertising agency), 자동차 수리공(repairing car roofs) 등을 전전하는 와중에 로맨틱 에고이스트(The Romantic Egotist)(1920)를 집필하였습니다. 출판사에서는 낙원의 이편(This Side of Paradise)(1920)으로 제목을 수정하는 조건으로 계약하였으며, 이 책이 흥행하면서 피츠제럴드는 비로소 젤다와 결혼에 성공할 수 있었습니다! 결과적으론 가난뱅이와 결혼할 수 없다는 젤다의 차디찬 파혼이 역설적으로 피츠제럴드의 창작욕을 불태운 셈이죠. 사실 피츠제럴드는 젤다 ..

영어고전330 프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드의 아름답고도 저주받은 사람들

프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드(F. Sco | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 123 47 0 0 2021-12-31
In 1913, when Anthony Patch was twenty-five, two years were already gone since irony, the Holy Ghost of this later day, had, theoretically at least, descended upon him. Irony was the final polish of the shoe, the ultimate dab of the clothes-brush, a sort of intellectual "There!"—yet at the brink of this story he has as yet gone no further than the conscious stage. As you first ..

영어고전331 프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드의 재즈 시대의 이야기

프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드(F. Sco | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 151 50 0 0 2021-12-31
THE JELLY-BEAN. This is a Southern story, with the scene laid in the small city of Tarleton, Georgia. I have a profound affection for Tarleton, but somehow whenever I write a story about it I receive letters from all over the South denouncing me in no uncertain terms. “The Jelly-Bean,” published in “The Metropolitan,” drew its full share of these admonitory notes. It was writte..

영어고전332 프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드의 말괄량이 아가씨와 철학자들

프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드(F. Sco | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 174 43 0 0 2021-12-31
This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children's eyes. From the western half of the sky the sun was shying little golden disks at the sea—if you gazed intently enough you could see them skip from wave tip to wave tip until they joined a broad collar of golden coin that was collec..

영어고전333 프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드의 야채; 대통령에서 우편 배달부

프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드(F. Sco | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 160 38 0 0 2021-12-31
ACT I. This is the “living” room of Jerry Frost’s house. It is evening. The room (and, by implication, the house) is small and stuffy—it’s an awful bother to raise these old-fashioned windows; some of them stick, and besides it’s extravagant to let in much cold air, here in the middle of March. I can’t say much for the furniture, either. Some of it’s instalment stuff, imitation..

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