전체 1632

영어고전378 조너선 스위프트의 딘 스위프트의 시대의 아일랜드

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 131 68 0 0 2022-01-15
The shifting combinations of party, from the settlement of the constitution at the Revolution to a later period, is an attractive study to any who wish to find the origin of abuses which have long vexed the political life of England. Besides, it is wholesome and instructive to be carried away from the modern difficulty to the broader issues which have gradually led to the prese..

영어고전379 조너선 스위프트의 세 가지 기도와 설교

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 136 50 0 0 2022-01-15
Almighty and most gracious Lord God, extend, we beseech Thee, Thy pity and compassion toward this Thy languishing servant; teach her to place her hope and confidence entirely in Thee; give her a true sense of the emptiness and vanity of all earthly things; make her truly sensible of all the infirmities of her life past, and grant to her such a true sincere repentance as is not ..

영어고전380 조너선 스위프트 시집Ⅰ-Ⅰ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 99 144 0 0 2022-01-15
Dr. Johnson, in his "Life of Swift," after citing with approval Delany's character of him, as he describes him to Lord Orrery, proceeds to say: "In the poetical works there is not much upon which the critic can exercise his powers. They are often humorous, almost always light, and have the qualities which recommend such compositions, easiness and gaiety. They are, for the most ..

영어고전381 조너선 스위프트 시집Ⅰ-Ⅱ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 152 99 0 0 2022-01-15
Dr. Johnson, in his "Life of Swift," after citing with approval Delany's character of him, as he describes him to Lord Orrery, proceeds to say: "In the poetical works there is not much upon which the critic can exercise his powers. They are often humorous, almost always light, and have the qualities which recommend such compositions, easiness and gaiety. They are, for the most ..

영어고전382 조너선 스위프트 시집Ⅱ-Ⅰ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 121 102 0 0 2022-01-15
In all I wish, how happy should I be, Thou grand Deluder, were it not for thee! So weak thou art, that fools thy power despise; And yet so strong, thou triumph'st o'er the wise. Thy traps are laid with such peculiar art, They catch the cautious, let the rash depart. Most nets are fill'd by want of thought and care But too much thinking brings us to thy snare; /LOVE ..

영어고전383 조너선 스위프트 시집Ⅱ-Ⅱ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 167 96 0 0 2022-01-15
At Market-Hill, as well appears By chronicle of ancient date, There stood for many hundred years A spacious thorn before the gate. Hither came every village maid, And on the boughs her garland hung, And here, beneath the spreading shade, Secure from satyrs sat and sung. /ON CUTTING DOWN THE THORN AT MARKET-HILL. 1727 마켓힐에서도 등장 고대 연대기에서, 수백 년 동안 서 있었다 대문 앞에 있는 넓..

영어고전384 조너선 스위프트 시집Ⅱ-Ⅲ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 97 131 0 0 2022-01-15
Illustrious prince, we're come before ye, Who, more than in our founders, glory To be by you protected; Deign to descend and give us laws, For we are converts to your cause, From this day well-affected. The noble view of your high merits Has charm'd our thoughts and fix'd our spirits, With zeal so warm and hearty; That we resolved to be devoted, At least until we be p..

영어고전385 조너선 스위프트 시집Ⅱ-Ⅳ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 130 143 0 0 2022-01-15
That Downpatrick's Dean, or Patrick's down went, Like two arrand Deans, two Deans errant I meant; So that Christmas appears at Bellcampe like a Lent, Gives the gamesters of both houses great discontent. Our parsons agree here, as those did at Trent, Dan's forehead has got a most damnable dent, Besides a large hole in his Michaelmas rent. But your fancy on rhyming so curs..

영어고전386 조너선 스위프트 산문집Ⅲ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 125 65 0 0 2022-01-15
The inquiry into the religious thought of the eighteenth century forms one of the most interesting subjects for speculation in the history of the intellectual development of western nations. It is true, that in that history Swift takes no special or distinguished part; but he forms a figure of peculiar interest in a special circle of his own. Swift had no natural bent for the m..

영어고전387 조너선 스위프트 산문집Ⅳ

조너선 스위프트(Jonathan Sw | 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea | 9,900원 구매
0 0 117 73 0 0 2022-01-15
In the "foreword" to the reprint of this tract in the "Miscellanies" of 1711, Swift remarks: "I have been assured that the suspicion which the supposed author lay under for writing this letter absolutely ruined him with the late ministry." The "late ministry" was the Whig ministry of which Godolphin was the Premier. To this ministry the repeal of the Test Act was a matter of mu..

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