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영어고전070 찰스 디킨스의 올리버 트위스트
테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News K
찰스 디킨스(Charles Dicke
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프롤로그(Prologue). 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 101선을 읽어야 하는 7가지 이유
17가지 키워드로 읽는 찰스 디킨스(Charles Dickens) by 조명화 편집장
01. 공장노동자 출신의 위대한 영국인(100 Great British Heroes)
02. 크리스마스의 아버지(Father Christmas)? 크리스마스를 발명한 작가(The man who invented Christmas)!
03. 빈자들의 친구, 아이들의 후원자, 매춘부의 동정자(Sympathiser)
04. 동화작가 안데르센(Andersen)은 왜 디킨스 집에서 5주나 머물렀을까?
05. 유네스코 세계유산(1987) 영국 런던 웨스트민스터 사원(Westminster Abbey)에서 고이 영면하소서
06. 디킨스답다! 디킨지안(Dickensian)!
07. 크리스마스 캐럴(A Christmas Carol in Prose ; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas)(1843)
08. 두 도시 이야기(A Tale of Two Cities)(1859)
08-1. 크리스토퍼 놀란(Christopher Nolan)의 다크 나이트 라이즈(The Dark Knight Rises)(2012)
08-2. 토머스 칼라일(Thomas Carlyle)의 프랑스 혁명(The French Revolution)(1837)
09. 위대한 유산(Great Expectations)(1860~1861)
10. 올리버 트위스트(Oliver Twist)(1837~1839)
11. 데이비드 코퍼필드(David Copperfield)(1849~1850)
11-1. 올리버 골드스미스(Oliver Goldsmith)의 The Vicar of Wakefield(1766)
12. 어려운 시절(Hard Times)(1854)
13. 영국 런던에서 찰스 디킨스를 만나는 7가지 방법
14. 오디오북(Audio Books)으로 듣는 찰스 디킨스(Charles Dickens)
찰스 디킨스의 올리버 트위스트(Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens)(1837~1839)
I. Treats of the Place Where Oliver Twist was Born and of the Circumstances Attending His Birth
II. Treats of Oliver Twist's Growth, Education, and Board
III. Relates How Oliver Twist was Very Near Getting a Place Which Would Not Have Been a Sinecure
IV. Oliver, Being Offered Another Place, Makes His First Entry Into Public Life
V. Oliver Mingles with New Associates. Going to a Funeral for the First Time He Forms an Unfavourable Notion of His Master's Business
VI. Oliver, Being Goaded by the Taunts of Noah, Rouses into Action, and Rather Astonishes Him
VII. Oliver Continues Refractory
VIII. Oliver Walks to London, and Encounters on the Road a Strange Sort of Young Gentleman
IX. Containing Further Particulars Concerning the Pleasant Old Gentleman, and His Hopeful Pupils
X. Oliver Becomes Better Acquainted with the Characters of His New Associates; and Purchases Experience at a High Price. Being a Short, but Very Important Chapter, in This History
XI. Treats of Mr. Fang the Police Magistrate; And Furnishes a Slight Specimen of His Mode of Administering Justice
XII. In Which Oliver is Taken Better Care of than He Ever Was Before. And In Which the Narrative Reverts to the Merry Old Gentleman and His Youthful Friends
XIII. Some New Acquaintances Are Introduced to the Intelligent Reader, Connected with Whom Various Pleasant Matters Are Related, Appertaining to This History
XIV. Comprising Further Particulars of Oliver's Stay at Mr. Brownlow's, with the Remarkable Prediction which one Mr. Grimwig Uttered Concerning him, When He Went Out on an Errand
XV. Showing How Very Fond of Oliver Twist, The Merry Old Jew and Miss Nancy Were
XVI. Relates What Became of Oliver Twist, After he had Been Claimed By Nancy
XVII. Oliver's Destiny Continuing Unpropitious, Brings a Great Man to London to Injure His Reputation
XVIII. How Oliver Passed His Time in the Improving Society of His Reputable Friends
XIX. In Which a Notable Plan is Discussed and Determined On
XX. Wherein Oliver Is Delivered over to Mr. William Sikes
XXI. The Expedition
XXII. The Burglary
XXIII. Which Contains the Substance of a Pleasant Conversation Between Mr. Bumble and a Lady; And Shows That Even a Beadle May Be Susceptible on Some Points
XXIV. Treats on a Very Poor Subject. But is a Short One, and May be Found of Importance in this History
XXV. Wherein This History Reverts to Mr. Fagin and Company
XXVI. In Which a Mysterious Character Appears Upon the Scene; And many Things, Inseparable From This History, Are Done and Performed
XXVII. Atones for the Unpoliteness of a Former Chapter; Which Deserted a Lady, Most Unceremoniously
XXVIII. Looks After Oliver, and Proceeds with his Adventures
XXIX. Has an Introductory Account of the Inmates of the House, To Which Oliver Resorted
XXX. Relates What Oliver's New Visitors Thought of Him
XXXI. Involves a Critical Position
XXXII. Of the Happy Life Oliver Began to Lead with His Kind Friends
XXXIII. Wherein the Happiness of Oliver and His Friends, Experiences a Sudden Check
XXXIV. Contains Some Introductory Particulars Relative to a Young Gentleman Who Now Arrives Upon the Scene; And a New Adventure Which Happened to Oliver
XXXV. Containing the Unsatisfactory Result of Oliver's Adventure; And a Conversation of Some Importance Between Harry Maylie and Rose
XXXVI. Is a Very Short One, and May Appear of No Great Importance in Its Place, But it Should Be Read Notwithstanding, As a Sequel to the Last, and a Key to One That Will Follow When Its Time Arrives
XXXVII. In Which the Reader May Perceive a Contrast, Not Uncommon in Matrimonial Cases
XXXVIII. Containing an Account of What Passed Between Mr. And Mrs. Bumble and Monks at their Nocturnal Interview
XXXIX. Introduces Some Respectable Characters with Whom the Reader Is Already Acquainted, and Shows How Monks and the Jew Laid Their Worthy Heads Together
XL. A Strange Interview, Which is a Sequel to the Last Chamber
XLI. Containing Fresh Discoveries, and Showing that Surprises, Like Misfortunes, Seldom Come Alone
XLII. An Old Acquaintance of Oliver's, Exhibiting Decided marks of Genius, Becoming a Public Character in the Metropolis
XLIII. Wherein is Shown How the Artful Dodger Got Into Trouble
XLIV. The Time Arrives for Nancy to Redeem Her Pledge to Rose Maylie. She Fails.
XLV. Noah Claypole is Employed by Fagin on a Secret Mission
XLVI. The Appointment Kept
XLVII. Fatal Consequences
XLVIII. The Flight of Sikes
XLIX. Monks and Brownlow at length meet. Their conversation, and the Intelligence that interrupts It
L. The Pursuit and Escape
LI. Affording and Explanation of More Mysteries than One, and Comprehending a Proposal of Marriage with No Word of Settlement of Pin-Money
LII. Fagin's Last Night Alive
LIII. And Last
부록(Appendix). 세계의 고전을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worlds’s Classics)
A01. 하버드 서점(Harvard Book Store) 직원 추천 도서 100선(Staff's Favorite 100 Books) & 판매도서 100위(Top 100 Books)
A02. 서울대 권장도서 100
A03. 연세필독도서 고전 200선
A04. 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 권장도서 100선
A05. 서울대, 연세대, 고려대 공통 권장도서 60권
A06. 성균관대학교 오거서(五車書) 성균 고전 100선
A07. 경희대 후마니타스 칼리지(Humanitas College) 교양필독서 100선
A08. 포스텍(포항공대) 권장도서 100선
A09. 카이스트(KAIST) 독서마일리지제 추천도서 100권
A10. 문학상 수상작 및 추천도서(44)
A11. 영어고전(English Classics) 오디오북을 무료로 듣는 5가지 방법(How to listen to FREE audio books legally?)
A12. 영화·드라마로 만나는 영어고전(Movies And TV Shows Based on English Classic Books)
조명화 편집장의 국내일주(Korea Round Travel) & 세계일주(World Round Travel)(049)
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 101선
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 도서목록(954)