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영어고전064 빅토르 위고의 레 미제라블Ⅱ
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빅토르 위고(Victor Hugo)
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프롤로그(Prologue). 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 101선을 읽어야 하는 7가지 이유
17가지 키워드로 읽는 빅토르 위고(Victor Hugo) by 조명화 편집장
01. 나는 샤토브리앙(Chateaubriand)이 아니면 아무것도 되지 않겠다, 빅토르 위고(Victor Hugo)(1802~1885)
02. 에르나니 전투(La Bataille d'Hernani)(1830)
03. 파리의 노트르담(Notre-Dame de Paris)(1831)
04. 레 미제라블(Les Misérables)(1862)
05. 레 미제라블(Les Misérables)(1862) in 기네스 북(Guinness Book)
06. 웃는 남자(L'homme qui rit)(1869) & 영화 조커(Joker)(2019)
07. 유언장(Last Will)(1885)
08. 오페라(Opera)
09. 베트남 까오다이교(道高臺, Đạo Cao Đài)의 성인(聖人)(1926)
10. 프랑스 누보 프랑(Nouveau Franc) 5NF(1960~1968)
11. 아델 H 이야기(L'Histoire d'Adèle H.)(1970)
12. 프랑스2 가장 위대한 프랑스인(The Greatest Frenchman) 6위(2005)
13. 구글 두들(Google Doodle)(2017)
14. 구글 아트 앤 컬쳐(Google Arts and Culture)
15. 빅토르 위고(Victor Hugo)를 만나는 장소 TOP12
16. 오디오북(Audio Books)으로 듣는 빅토르 위고(Victor Hugo)
17. 빅토르 위고(Victor Hugo) 어록(Quotes)(30)
레 미제라블(Les Misérables)(1862) Volume II—Cosette
Book First-Waterloo
I. What is met with on the Way from Nivelles
II. Hougomont
III. The Eighteenth of June, 1815
V. The Quid Obscurum of Battles
VI. Four o'clock in the Afternoon
VII. Napoleon in a Good Humor
VIII. The Emperor puts a Question to the Guide Lacoste
IX. The Unexpected
X. The Plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean
XI A Bad Guide to Napoleon; A Good Guide to Bülow
XII. The Guard
XIII. The Catastrophe
XIV. The Last Square
XV. Cambronne
XVI. Quot Libras in Duce?
XVII. Is Waterloo to be considered Good?
XVIII. A Recrudescence of Divine Right
XIX. The Battle-Field at Night
Book Second-The Ship Orion
I. Number 24,601 becomes Number 9,430
II. In which the reader will peruse Two Verses which are of the Devil's Composition, possibly
III. The The Ankle-Chain Must Have Undergone a Certain Preparatory Manipulation to be Thus Broken With a Blow From a Hammer
Book Third-Accomplishment of the Promise Made to the Dead Woman
I. The Water Question at Montfermeil
II. Two Complete Portraits
III. Men must have Wine, and Horses must have Water
IV. Entrance on the Scene of a Doll
V. The Little One All Alone
VI. Which possibly proves Boulatruelle's Intelligence
VII. Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in the Dark
VIII. The Unpleasantness of Receiving Into One's House A Poor Man Who May Be a Rich Man
IX. Thénardier and his Manoeuvre
X. He who seeks to better himself may render his Situation Worse
XI. Number 9,430 reappears, and Cosette wins it in the Lottery
Book Fourth-The Gorbeau Hovel
I. Master Gorbeau
II. A Nest for Owl and a Warbler
III. Two Misfortunes make One Piece of Good Fortune
IV. The Remarks of the Principal Tenant
V. A Five-Franc Piece falls on the Ground and produces a Tumult
Book Fifth-For A Black Hunt, A Mute Pack
I. The Zigzags of Strategy
II. It is Lucky that the Pont d'Austerlitz bears Carriages
III. To Wit, the Plan of Paris in 1727
IV. The Gropings of Flight
V. Which would be Impossible with Gas Lanterns
VI. The Beginning of an Enigma
VII. Continuation of the Enigma
VIII. The Enigma becomes Doubly Mysterious
IX. The Man with the Bell
X. Which explains how Javert got on the Scent
Book Sixth-Le Petit-Picpus
I. Number 62 Rue Petit-Picpus
II. The Obedience of Martin Verga
III. Austerities
IV. Gayeties
V. Distractions
VI. The Little Convent
VII. Some Silhouettes of this Darkness
VIII. Post Corda Lapides
IX. A Century under a Guimpe
X. Origin of the Perpetual Adoration
XI. End of the Petit-Picpus
Book Seventh-Parenthesis
I. The Convent as an Abstract Idea
II. The Convent as an Historical Fact
III. On What Conditions One can respect the Past
IV. The Convent from the Point of View of Principles
V. Prayer
VI. The Absolute Goodness of Prayer
VII. Precautions to be observed in Blame
VIII. Faith, Law
Book Eight-Cemeteries Take That Which is Committed Them
I. Which treats of the Manner of entering a Convent
II. Fauchelevent in the Presence of a Difficulty
III. Mother Innocente
IV. In which Jean Valjean has quite the Air of having read Austin Castillejo
V. It is not Necessary to be Drunk in order to be Immortal
VI. Between Four Planks
VII. In which will be found the Origin of the Saying: Don't lose the Card
VIII. A Successful Interrogatory
IX. Cloistered
부록(Appendix). 세계의 고전을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worlds’s Classics)
A01. 하버드 서점(Harvard Book Store) 직원 추천 도서 100선(Staff's Favorite 100 Books) & 판매도서 100위(Top 100 Books)
A02. 서울대 권장도서 100
A03. 연세필독도서 고전 200선
A04. 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 권장도서 100선
A05. 서울대, 연세대, 고려대 공통 권장도서 60권
A06. 성균관대학교 오거서(五車書) 성균 고전 100선
A07. 경희대 후마니타스 칼리지(Humanitas College) 교양필독서 100선
A08. 포스텍(포항공대) 권장도서 100선
A09. 카이스트(KAIST) 독서마일리지제 추천도서 100권
A10. 문학상 수상작 및 추천도서(44)
A11. 영어고전(English Classics) 오디오북을 무료로 듣는 5가지 방법(How to listen to FREE audio books legally?)
A12. 영화·드라마로 만나는 영어고전(Movies And TV Shows Based on English Classic Books)
조명화 편집장의 국내일주(Korea Round Travel) & 세계일주(World Round Travel)(049)
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 101선
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 도서목록(954)